The Alma High School Wrestling team started their season last Thursday at the Maxwell/St. Pat’s Invite. The team earned themselves 3rd place and had a combined 17 pins. Zach Halbert and Owen Jackson both earned 4th place, James Dubbs, Austin Christian, and Elliot Fletcher placed 3rd. Michael Edger placed 2rd. We had two Tournament Champions, Freshman Cater Brandyberry and Daylan Russell. Daylan was also able to earn his career 100th win and also break a pin record at the 195lb weight class with an :11 second pin.
The Wrestlers also traveled to Harvard on Saturday, where they earned 4th place with 16 pins. James Dubbs, Owen Jackson, and Michael Edger placed 4th. Michael Edger also has the new 113lb pin record at :18 seconds. Brayten Ogier and JT Clapp paced 3rd. Carter Brandberry and Zach Halbert earned 2nd. Daylan Russell placed 1st and now has 8 pins pin the season. We next wrestle at Southern Valley on Friday with the start time of 10am.
Article provided by Jesus Felix