The Alma Cardinals played the Franklin Flyers on January 9th. In the first quarter, the Cardinals had Burke Boehler making a field goal and a three point shot. The Cardinals also had Tanner Heckenlivley making two threes, Isaac McCurdy and Vince Ongtangco each making a two point shot to total up the first quarter with fifteen points.
In the second quarter, the Cardinals had Tanner Heckenlivley with another three pointer and Nathan Hock making two field goals for a total up of seven points.
In the third quarter, the Cardinals ended up having Burke Boehler scoring two field goals, Nathan Hock scoring a two pointer and two free throws, and Vince Ongtangco with making both free throws and three field goals totaling up the third quarter with eighteen points.
In the fourth quarter, the Cardinals had Ehren Smolik, Antonio Hudson, and Nathan Hock scoring a field goal, Jason Stenka made a field goal and missed two free throws, Vince Ontangco made one free throw and missed two and scored a two pointer, totaling up the score of the fourth quarter for eleven points. The Cardinals played a great game totaling up the whole game to be fifty-one points for the Cardinals and thirty-three points for the flyers.
Article by Elliott Fletcher