On January 29th, 2020 Alma boys went head to head with the Med Valley Red Radors. The boys took the cake with 49-39.
In the First quarter, Burke Boehler scored 3 points. Tanner Heckenlively also scored 3 points. We had a total of 8 points at the end of quarter 1.
Into the 2nd quarter, B. Boehler had a total of 4 points. Antonio Hudson shot a 3. Isaac McCurdy scored one free throw and also scored 4 points for a total of 5 points. In quarter 2 they scored 12 points.
At half time they had 20 points and the Radors had 25 points.
In the 3rd quarter, B. Boehler shot a 2. Nathan Hock scored 4 points. I. McCurdy shot a 2. Vince Ongtangco shot 2 free throws and a 2. In the end of quarter 3 they had 12 points.
In the last quarter, B. Boehler scored 8 points and shot 2 free throws. T. Heckenlively shot 4 free throws. N. Hock shot a 2. V. Ongtangco shot 1 free throw. To bring quarter 4 to 17 points.
At the end of the game they had 49 points winning the game and moving forward in the RPAC games.
Article by Lillian Marshall