On Friday December 4th, 2020. The Alma Cardinal boys basketball team played against the Kennesaw boys basketball team. The Cardinal Boys lost 44 to 67.
In the first quarter, Ryan Kermmode scored 2 points. Grant McQuay also scored 2 points. That earned them 4 points.
In the second quarter, Ryan Kermmode had 1 free throw and scored 6 shots. Ryan Brough shot 2 baskets. Aj Russell shot 2. Tanner Heckenlively scored 2 shots. Adding up to 13 points for that quarter.
In the third quarter, no one scored anything.
In the fouth quarter, Ryan Kermmode scored 3 points. Grant McQuay scored 2 points. Jakin Neal scored 7 points. The total for the quarter was 9 points.