The boy's basketball played Arapahoe on February 18, 2022.
The boys started off strong, making 16 points. Ryan Kermmoade made one-two point shot and added 4 total points by getting fouled twice. Ryan Brugh made one 3-point shot, as well as Jakin Neal making two 2-point shots, including one extra point from getting fouled. This left the score 19-16.
In the second quarter, the boys played outstanding offense and defense. They held Arapahoe to only making 9 points. While also making a total of 18 points. Ryan Kermmoade made two 2-point shots and one 3-points. Jakin Neal made two 2-point shots, as well as Ryan Brugh making one 3-point shot. This left the score to be 28-34.
In the third quarter, they scored 17 points, and Arapahoe gained 12 points. Ryan Kermmoade led the team by making three 2-point shots and one 3-point shot. Jakin Neal made two 2-point shots, and Ryan Brugh made one 3-point shot. As well as Grant McQuay adding one point through getting fouled. The score was left at 40-51.
During the last quarter, Arapahoe held Alma to only making 8 points. Ryan Kermmoade was fouled and made 1 point for the team. Then later was fouled again making both shots gaining 2 points. Gage Tuhlin was also fouled and made 1 shot. Not only that but Ryan Brugh was also fouled earning 1 shot.
The final score was 57-59 with Alma winning.
Article by Mikaela Christensen