The lady cards played a tough game at districts and unfortunately fell short by only a couple points. In the first quarter Carlee Stuhmer made a 3-pointer, Addison Neal made a 2-pointer, Addison Siebels made 1 of her 2 free throw shots and a 2-pointer. By the end of the first quarter the score was 8-15 but the girls weren't ready to give up yet.
During the second quarter Addison Neal made two 2-pointers and a 3- pointer, and Madison Wolfe made a 2 pointer. The Lady cards fought hard to get the score even closer with a 2 point difference at 17-19.
During the third quarter Addison Siebels made two 2-pointers which raised the lady cards' score 4 points. The score at the end of this quarter was 21-29 and the girls were still staying confident.
In the fourth quarter the girls scored the most points throughout the game. Carlee Stuhmer made a 3-pointer and one of her 2 free throws, Addison Neal made a 3-pointer, Addison Siebels made a 2-pointer and 4 of her 6 free throws making 6 points, and Kaylee Baker made a 2-pointer. After playing a tough game they fell short only by 5 points, the ending score was 36-41.
Article by Melaini Bantam