As with many other areas of our world, the staffing shortage has also been felt at Alma Public School. Over the past two school years, the number of substitute teachers available to the school has dwindled, creating various issues in filling in for teachers during absences. When substitute teachers aren’t available, teachers cover for one another during their planning time, combine classes, or (as a last resort) have to have special classes canceled. Feeling the urgency to try to fill this need, the Alma Board of Education, administration, and teachers collaborated to brainstorm ways to help fill the substitute teacher shortage.
You may be surprised to find out, that you don’t have to have a degree in education to become a substitute teacher! Anyone with 60 hours of college credit is eligible to become a local sub, and interested applicants can apply through the state! A Local Substitute Permit can be issued for teaching 90 full-time days per school year for those who apply and meet the requirements listed below. Once issued, a Local Substitute Permit expires on August 31st in the third year following the year of issuance.
The requirements for a Local Substitute Permit include the following:
An application and fee in the TEACH system (Please note that registration for TEACH is required before an application can be submitted.)
Fingerprints (Only required if someone has lived outside of Nebraska in the past five years.)
A transcript showing at least 60 semester credit hours
A letter from the superintendent of the school district where the local substitute permit will be assigned. The letter can be sent directly to
More information on how to send supporting documents can be found at
The Alma Public Schools Board recently passed the following measures at their board meetings in June/July for the 2022-2023 school year.
Substitute pay increase to $140 per full day/$85 per half day
Reimbursement for substitute certificate renewals for current substitute teachers working over 15 days in the district
Reimbursement of substitute teachers for cost of the human relations class needed to become a substitute teacher if they sub 15 days in the district
Bonus per semester based on days worked:
15 days - $150
25 days - $250
50 days - $500
It is the desired hope of all involved parties to recruit and maintain a good substitute pool. These individuals are a valued part of our school district. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a substitute teacher for Alma Public School, please contact Principal Stephanie Brandyberry at Alma Public School at 308-928-2131 or by email at