If you plan to attend the softball tournament at Lexington this Saturday, August 22, see the following guidelines LPS will be enforcing:
Lexington Public Schools is announcing that for the 2020 Fall Season, Spectators and Fans at LPS extracurricular activities will be required to wear masks or face coverings. Masks and face coverings must cover the nose and mouth at all times during the game or event. Children under the age of six will not be required to wear masks.
These events include Cross Country Meets, Football Games, Golf Tournaments, Softball Games, Tennis Matches, and Volleyball Games. We also request that spectators socially distance themselves when in attendance at LPS events. Only members of the same family should be within six feet of each other.
Lexington Public Schools is grateful to have the opportunity to host athletics and other events during the Covid-19 pandemic. The safety of all persons in attendance, and the sportsmanship of our contests are top priorities. Thank you for doing your part in keeping our community and school a safe and supportive environment!
Here are a few reminders from our Return to School Plan that we want to make sure everyone remembers to help make each day go as smoothly as possible:
1. Make sure you screen your child at home for temperature, cough and other symptoms.
2. If they have a temperature of 100.4 or above they need to stay at home until they are fever free for 24 hours without medication.
3. Please, if at all possible, do not send your child to school until 7:45 if they are eating breakfast, or 7:55 if they are not.
4. Students should use the West, East, Commons, or South doors to enter the building. These are the only four sets of doors that will be unlocked.
5. Upon arrival, all students and staff will have their temperature checked and will sanitize their hands. Once that has been completed we will have staff available to help students get to the correct classroom.
6. When dropping off and/or picking up your child(ren) do not congregate outside of the entrance or exit areas. Social distancing practices should be followed, and parents are encouraged to stay in their vehicle during drop-off and pick-up.
7. At the end of the school day the students riding the bus will exit through the East door. Elementary students not riding the bus will exit through the West door near the Kindergarten room, and secondary students will exit through the East, Commons, and South doors.
#ProudToBeACardinal #ShareToBeAware
Alma Football clothing for sale!! Here is the link for your Alma Football clothing. Just go to https://almafb2020.itemorder.com/product/15176283 to order. Ends August 23rd. Thanks for your support! #ProudToBeACardinal
ALMA VOLLEYBALL Fan Cloth fundraiser! Here is the link for the Alma Volleyball clothing. It is shipped directly to you! Just go to FANCLOTH.SHOP/AFAAF. Ends August 17th. Thanks for your support. GBR!!
Just a reminder to 7th grade students, new students, and their parents: There is an orientation meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, August 11, at 6:30 PM in the commons area! Don't miss it!! #ProudToBeACardinal #ShareToBeAware
Important Reminder: All beginning of the year paperwork (handbook forms, computer contracts, and Acceptable Use policies) that were mailed to you need to be returned to the school before your student can use a school computer. They can be dropped off in the office during office hours. Questions, please let us know at the school.
Congratulations to the following students who will be the 2020 One Act Cast!! This year they will be performing Shrek!!! #ProudToBeACardinal
APS wants to send a thank you out to Harlan County Health Systems!! They donated 500 cloth masks to the school today!! We appreciate living in such a giving community!! #ProudToBeACardinal
Here is a list of important dates to remember as we gear up for school! Check it out and share so everyone else doesn’t miss out either,,
August 3-7: High School Fall Sports Conditioning
August 10: Fall Sports Practices Begin (HS)
August 11: 7th Grade & New Student Orientation 6:30 PM
August 12: Drop/Add Session for Secondary Students
August 13: First Day of School (2 PM Dismissal)
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call the school! We can’t wait to see everyone again! #ProudToBeACardinal
Auditions for this year's one act will be Tuesday, August 4 at 9:30 AM and Wednesday, August 5 at 7:00 PM. You only need to attend one time. Lots of roles available! Please contact Mrs. Fritz for more information. #ProudToBeACardinal
Congratulations to Nathan Hock and Daylan Russell who will be participating in the West Nebraska All-Star Game!! Congrats to Mr. Johnsen as well as he will be coaching them one last time! The game is set to take place in Scottsbluff on Friday night at 8 pm CT! Don’t miss it! #ProudToBeACardinal
Congratulations to the 2020–2021 Alma Cheerleaders:
Delaney Seyler
Haylee Wing
Maddi Korman
Maddy Dubbs
Michelle Lujan
Sarah Kreutzer
Tori Tischner
Way to go ladies! #ProudToBeACardinal
Just a reminder we are hosting an Immunization Clinic this Thursday, July 23, from 10 AM to 12 PM at the school. See the attached flyer for more information! #ProudToBeACardinal #ShareToBeAware
We want to send a big congratulations out to Linden Biskup for her selection into the 2020 All-National Mixed Choir!!! She will take part in the 2020 All-National Ensembles Program at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, November 5-8, 2020. What an amazing accomplishment!! Congrats Linden!! #ProudToBeACardinal
The Alma Cardinal Volleyball team has some extra cookie dough for sale!! The cost is $20 per box. They have Snickerdoodle, M & M Candy and Oatmeal Raisin available! Let Mrs. Schuller know and she’ll hook you up! Thanks for your support! #ProudToBeACardinal
More information on the Cardinal Speed and Agility Camp!! #ProudToBeACardinal
Substitutes needed!! See the attached flyer for more details! #ProudToBeACardinal #ShareToBeAware
Alma Public School will continue our Grab & Go Breakfast and Lunch through Wednesday, August 12. We are excited to continue to provide this service to our students and community! See the following flyer for more details. Here is the link to sign up: https://forms.gle/Myty92V4xiDDr7CWA
Alma Public Schools will be hosting an Immunization Clinic on Thursday, July 23, from 10 AM to 12 PM at the school. See the attached flyer for more information! #ProudToBeACardinal #ShareToBeAware
Summer school is in full swing! There was a scavenger hunt today!!! What a fun learning experience for all involved! #ProudToBeACardinal