The Lady Cardinals just took down Cambridge in three sets! What an awesome one to watch ladies! Get Bertrand next! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The Saints won the first of their two games against Chase County 10-0!! Way to go ladies!! #Saints
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
We want to send a HUGE thank you to the Harlan County Cattleman’s Association for providing hamburgers for today’s lunch!! We also want to thank the sponsors who made this possible: Alma Livestock Bose Seed (Bill & Larry Bose) Alan & Greg Christensen DM Schluntz Corp Kauk Bros. Farm Martin Quarter Horses & Martin Auction Company Quantam Gymnastics We can’t wait to have them again!! #ProudToBeACardinal #BeefItsWhatsForDinner
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
Don't forget to come out to the tailgate tomorrow night from 6 to 7 PM before the football game! Banner Capital will be serving a complimentary meal with refreshments, plus there will be door prizes and giveaways!! Meet them behind the bus barn! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
You have two opportunities to watch some great games today! The Saints have a doubleheader against Chase County in Stamford starting at 5 PM, and the volleyball team will be in action in Bertrand at approximately 6 PM! Don't miss out on all the fun!! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
Check out the new photos on the website. Brought to you by the Alma Yearbook Class. The kids have been busy out getting photos of all the beginning of the year events. Keep checking back as we will try to change them often.
over 5 years ago, Alma Cardinals
The Saints softball team lost to Fillmore Central 4-3. Get the next one ladies!! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The Varsity Volleyball team takes down Wilcox-Hildreth in two!!! Way to go ladies! Keep it going!! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The JV Football team won 40-22! Way to go boys! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
After three quarters the JV football team is up 32-16! One more quarter boys!! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The JV Volleyball team lost to Franklin in three sets, and the Varsity beat them in two! Keep working ladies!! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The JV Football team is down 16-0 at the half to Medicine Valley. You can still get them boys! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The Saints won their first game of the day 11-0!! Way to go ladies!! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
Alma was featured in the spotlight section of the September NSAA News! Check it out on page 14! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
If you are just itching to go watch a game today you have several options! The Saints softball team will be in Blue Hill starting at 4:30 PM taking on both Blue Hill and Fillmore Central. If you want to see some volleyball you can head over to Franklin at 5 PM to watch the Lady Cardinals take on both Franklin and Wilcox-Hildreth. Our JV Football team will be getting their first action in tonight at 5 PM in Curtis taking on Medicine Valley! Have a great day! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
LAST CALL FOR BOOSTER BUTTONS! We will put in one more order for buttons on Wednesday, September 4. If you would like your child(ren) to have their picture taken, please fill out the form below and return it AND payment to the school by Tuesday, September 3. Buttons will not be ordered without payment. Thank you!! ****Please note the due date on the form was from the first order. #ProudToBeACardinal #almaboosterclub #pleaseshare
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The JV football team has added a game and will be playing Medicine Valley at Curtis, Tuesday, September 3, at 5 PM. Medicine Valley asked if we could play in another team’s place!! See you there! Share to be aware! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
No caption needed! #ProudToBeACardinal Photo by Samantha Stuhmer
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The Lady Cardinals take third place in the Axtell tournament today!! Way to go ladies!! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools
The Lady Cardinals lost to Lawrence-Nelson in two, but will play the next game for third place against Silver Lake!! You can do it ladies!! #ProudToBeACardinal
over 5 years ago, Alma Public Schools